Auteur/autrice : Michael

The challenges of week 4 (season 6) are available and this week it’s a little Halloween in advance. Players will have to ding dong at the house doors, understand that for this challenge you will have to ring at the house doors. However, there is one condition to this challenge, you must ring the doorbell of a house in the presence of an opponent inside which complicates things. And of course, not all houses are affected by this challenge, there are only a few houses you can find on the map that have a doorbells. Don’t forget the magic formula…

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Call of Duty Black Ops 4’s multiplayer mode features a system of specialists that players can choose at the start of each match. These specialists all offer specific attributes to help the player to dominate his opponents. But to win, you will also need to rely on your own arsenal, because weapons, trumps and jokers cards are not imposed by multiplayer specialists. You will need to create your own class and choose your own weapons that you want to use in the field.  The problem is that at first the « create a class » function is locked… If you don’t know…

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You may not know it, but on the « Nine » or « IX » Map of Call of Duty Black Ops 4, you can have an upgraded weapon right from the start without even using the pack-a-punch machine. This is the strife pistol that turns into a Z-Harmony if you succeed in a series of mini challenges. If you don’t know this trick from the MAP Nine (IX) of Call of Duty Black Ops 4, you will find below all the details you need to know about it. How to get the strife gun enhanced with challenge banners : When you start a…

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In the Zombies mode of Call of Duty Black Ops 4, you can use talismans by selecting the « create a class » tab. These talismans should not be neglected, as they offer you a powerful advantage for the duration of a match, determined according to the one used at the beginning of a game. There are several different types and rarities.  We have listed here all the talismans you can get by playing Call of Duty Black Ops 4 zombie maps, namely the IX map, the voyage of despair or the blood of the deadmap. You will see, there are many…

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In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey you can also use a warrior weapon and equip yourself with a hunter’s bow. This type of weapon will be a valuable asset in maintaining a certain distance from opponents with deadly attacks (snakes) or too high a level. The bow is also very practical for infiltration and discretion since some of these damage multiplying skills can defeat an opponent in a single arrow in the head.  The advantage when you handle a bow while hiding in a bush or tall grass, you remain totally invisible to the eyes of the guards around you, even if…

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As an « RPG », Assassin’s Creed Odyssey allows players to earn experience points (XP) by fighting, completing quests and finishing all areas. This system allows you to gain levels for Alexios or Kassandra depending on the choice you made at the beginning of the adventure. By gaining additional levels, you get attribute points to spend in the game’s abilities menu, which unlocks new abilities in three skill trees : Hunter, Warrior and Assassin. Each time you earn a level, you get a new ability point to spend. The more you progress in the adventure and the more you unlock new abilities,…

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In Call of Duty Black Ops 4’s Map Nine (IX), players face hordes of zombies in the heart of a Coliseum, the goal being to unravel the mysteries in order to help Scarlett (main character of the zombies mode) find her father alongside her friends Diego, Staton and Bruno. One of the first steps of the Black Ops 4 Map Nine (IX) is to find and activate the Pack-a-Punch Altar to give a good boost to the weapons recuperated on the walls or in the mystery box. If you don’t know where the Pack-a-Punch is in the MAP IX of…

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If you are currently playing Blackout in Call of Duty Black Ops 4, you may have encountered a few zombies on the way in search of decent equipment that can handle other players.  In these zombie-infested areas, you must have noticed the presence of the mystery box, an iconic element of the zombie mode in all Call of Duty games. The problem in Blackout is that this box is closed twice… You wonder how to open it? We’ll explain it to you ! How open the zombie mystery box in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 : To find out…

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As with every new episode of the Call of Duty license, players can earn prestige by reaching level 55 in multiplayer mode. The fact of passing in prestige makes it possible to obtain a unique emblem, but also has the effect of resetting the player’s level to 1.  The goal is to increase his level several times to 55 and win the 10 prestiges of the game in addition to reaching the ultimate level, the master prestige. Of course, each reset will allow you to get at least one permanent unlock token to unlock weapons and scorestreak without having to…

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Call of Duty license players have always been familiar with sharing their gaming experience with a friend or family on the sofa in local cooperation / split screen. With Call of Duty Black Ops 4, Treyarch’s teams have respected this tradition by allowing players to share a game session on a split screen, whether in zombie or multiplayer mode, but also in the brand new Blackout mode, which is the Battle Royale vision with a Call of Duty touch. Yes ! you have read well, unlike the competition and especially Fortnite to name but a few, in the Blackout mode…

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