All Fortnite seasons have a period of 10 weeks, which means that the end of season 6 is fast approaching. Indeed, according to the schedule, season 6 of Fortnite should end at the beginning of December. Unless Epic Games teams decide to extend the season a little longer to allow latecomers to continue to unlock the last tiers of the battle pass. What is the release date of season 7 of Fortnite : Officially, the end of Season 6 is for December 5, 2018, which means that Season 7 should normally start on December 6, 2018, two days later. It…
Auteur/autrice : Michael
This is a feature long awaited by Fortnite Battle Royale players. The option to offer gifts to a friend from the game shop. If you want to share some of your purchases with your contacts or please a loved one, you can now send as a gift your skins, dancing, accessories and others. Normally scheduled for mid-year, this Fortnite feature has been delayed until now, as the function is now available since update 6.31. If you don’t know how to give a gift to a friend or receive a gift from a friend, we explain below how it works, because…
This is a question that many players have been asking themselves since the release of the Beta version of Red Dead Online, the online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2. You will agree when you play this beta version that the content is not yet fully accessible. Scripted quests are limited and activities not all present… After all, it’s a beta version ! But what about the progress of the players? Will Rockstar Games teams have to reset ranks/ranks and statistics to zero and thus delete players’ characters ? We have a first response from the development team who released…
In Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, there are several factors that come into play to determine whether one Pokemon is more powerful than another. A good factor to consider is the average number of CPs obtained by two Pokemon of the same species with the same level. You may notice that these two Pokemon do not have equal power, this is due to a hidden parameter that determines the potential of each of the creatures in the game otherwise called IV (Individual Values). In Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, it is quite possible to see the potential of…
The new Pokemon Let’s Go is available in two versions with two starting Pokémon, Pikachu or Eevee depending on the version chosen. But whether you choose one or the other, there are two or three things you need to know about the possible evolutions of these two starters as well as their capture in the Kanto region. You will find below details that directly concern them. You will see that it is quite possible to obtain a Pikachu / Eevee, regardless of the version chosen at the beginning, and that evolutions in Raichu, Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon are also possible…
During your journey in the Kanto region of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, you will get many Technical Machines (TM) that will allow your favorite Pokemon to learn all kinds of special attacks. If you are looking for all the TMs of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, you are in the right place, you will find below the location of all the Technical Machines (TMs) of the game. Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee the complete list and location of all Technical Machines (TMs) : There are a total of 60 TM Machines to discover in the game.…
Once you have succeeded to complete Spyro the Dragon at 100%, you can open a new secret world in the world of Gnasty. To do this, you will have to collect the 12,000 gems in the game, recover all the stolen eggs and release all the dragons that have been transformed into statues. To help you finish the game at 100%, we have listed below all the worlds you will have to travel through. When you have finished everything, you will have access to the « Gnasty’s Loot » bonus world which will allow you to recover an additional 2000 gems in…
If you have in mind to get all the trophies / achievements of Spyro the Dragon from the Spyro Reignited Trilogy compilation, then you will have to find 6 gears in one of Gnasty Gnorc’s worlds (the Twilight Harbor level) in order to get the trophy / Achievement « What Really Grinds My Gears ». It is not necessarily easy to search and find these famous gears in the level of Twilight Harbor, especially when you don’t know their position. This is why you will find at the end of this page the location of the 6 gears that will allow you…
Are you targeting to level up all your Pokemon to 100 ? Are you looking for the best method and the fastest way to obtain a high quantity of experience points (XP) ? Then you’re just in time ! You will find here the best way to quickly bring your Pokemon team up to level 100. This technique is applicable throughout the adventure and will make sense at the end of the game after becoming a Pokemon League master on the Indigo plateau. We will focus on explaining the « post game » method (i.e. after finishing the adventure), you will see…
As always with the Pokemon license, Game Freak never really explains how to delete a save and start a new game to restart the adventure from the beginning. And this is always the case with Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, there is no function in the game to delete a user’s save. Indeed, when booting up the game on Nintendo Switch, there are only the options « continue » or « change settings ». Everyone remembers the trick on Pokemon’s 3DS versions that allowed you to delete a save by holding a series of buttons keys on the console during the introduction scene. …