One of the challenges of the Battle Pass for week 6 of Fortnite invites players to successfully slide an Ice Puck over 150m in a single throw. If you are having trouble knowing how to succeed in this challenge of season 7, you will find all the details below to validate it easily. To be able to use an Ice Puck in Fortnite, you must first have unlocked the corresponding emote by reaching level 28 of the Battle Pass (without this, you will not be able to try this challenge). This tier allows you to unlock the rare « Ice Puck » toy…
Auteur/autrice : Michael
One question that often comes to the minds of players when they play Brawl Stars is whether there are better characters than others. Yes, some brawlers are better than others and will be more effective depending on the game mode you are playing. However, always keep in mind that the character you control is not everything, it is the way you use him that will be decisive during a 3vs3, duo or solo match. However, since some brawlers are better than others, we will show you through this page who you should focus on and which brawler you should not…
By playing the new SuperCell game, Brawl Stars, you can unlock many playable characters. These characters are called Brawlers in the game and all have statistics, a weapon and a special attack. If you are wondering how to unlock all the characters in Brawl Stars, we will then give you all the details that will allow you to get them quickly. Note that all players who start playing the game get the Shelly brawler. All the others are to be unlocked, there are 22 to date! How to get new brawlers in Brawl Stars : There are two ways to…
If you are curious to know the drop rate of the different rewards hidden in Brawl Stars boxes, you will find below all the information you need to know about it. Please note that the content or the percentage appearance of the content of a box can change or be completely modified via an update of the game. There are three types of « brawl » boxes in the game, standards, big boxes and Megaboxes. Well, you can imagine that mega boxes are likely to bring you more loot than any other! But nothing says you won’t get anything good with the…
After a long waiting period, Brawl Stars is finally available for everyone on iOS AND Android. This title has been awaited by mobile players since it is the developers of SuperCell. The ones who have developed big mobile and popular titles like Clash of Clans, Clash Royale or Boom Beach…. Brawl Stars is a multiplayer and competitive fighting game, players fight in arenas (3VS3) as in a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and unlock new characters (brawlers) as they win trophies, which allows to determine the level of play of one player compared to another and this data is found…
Tokens and star tokens are very important in Brawl Stars. They allow you to regularly win new brawl boxes and big boxes. It is in your best interest to understand how to win if you want to upgrade your brawlers (characters) and also win new playable characters, event tickets, gems and many other rewards. In addition to the classic and star tokens, you can get tokens doublers by playing Brawl Stars, which is a great way to quickly gain many tokens. We will then explain everything you need to know to progress quickly in the game. How to get tokens…
It was a subject of frustration for the Battlefield 5 community for a good week, the change in weapon balance otherwise called TTK for Time To Kill (understand by that, the time to kill one opposant) that Dice teams had deemed necessary to better integrate the new players. The developers thought that the newcomers had a disadvantage over the regulars, which would have tended to discourage them from extending their gaming experience on Battlefield. To compensate for this new balance, Dice’s teams suggested to fans that they add a hardcore mode to Battlefield 5 with the old TTK or the…
If you are currently playing Red Dead Online, the online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2, you may be wondering how to start a new game from the beginning and re-create your character. If your current character doesn’t suit you, you probably want to know how to change / delete it. Well, it’s possible and the method is relatively simple. In addition, you will keep all the money accumulated with your old character. However, you will lose your experience points (XP), which means that if you have a high rank, you should think twice before deleting your character in Red…
Players are reporting massive problems with Red Dead Redemption 2 and especially on the online version of the game, Red Dead Online recently available in beta version on PS4 and Xbox One. It is the PS4 players who are affected by this error whether it is on standard PS4 or the Pro version. The CE-34878-0 error is well known to the PlayStation community since it has been going on for several years without explanation from Sony… For the Red Dead Redemption 2 case, and in particular Red Dead Online, it must be an internal problem of the game and not…
Niantic Labs teams recently added a special item to Pokemon Go, the Sinnoh Stone, which is an evolutionary stone that allows certain game creatures from Generation 1, 2 & 3 to take the form of a fourth generation Pokemon. These intergenerational evolutions are only possible through a Sinnoh stone and 100 specific Pokemon candies to be made to evolve. How to get Sinnoh evolution stones in Pokemon Go : Previously, it was possible to obtain a Sinnoh stone as a reward for the 7 stamps. Indeed, the mystery item in Professor Willow’s study phases (7 day field research) was certainly a…