In Kingdom Come Deliverance, alchemy is of great importance. The game provides the players with tons of recipes to create all kinds of potions with various effects. These potions will be useful at many points in the game, there are some that save his game, sometimes they will be imposed on the players to finish a quest and many times they will allow Henry to benefit from this stats or to heal his wounds.
To use them, Henry will have to learned to read… If not yet, it’s not very important since you will find all the alchemy recipes in this guide. For each recipe in the game, we will tell you how to proceed once in front of the cauldron. Please note that you will still need to obtain ingredients for potions before using them. If you don’t have one, make a stop in Rattay (for example) to shop and buy what you need for alchemy recipes.
A list of all Kingdom Come Deliverance alchemy recipes :
First of all, please note that you don’t need to obtain a recipe before you can use it. Simply follow a recipe below and it will automatically add to your alchemy book. However, you will need to have the necessary ingredients to create your potions.
→ Recipe Alchemy Antidode :
Treatment for Henry in case of poisoning by an evil person.
Required ingredients :
- Aqua (water)
- 1 Charcoal
- 1 Nettle
- 2 Thistle
First, prepare your water, your two handfuls of thistle, one of nettle and one of charcoal. Then add the thistle to the cauldron and boil two turns. Now add the nettles and boil for one turn. Then leave to cool and add the charcoal, but do not boil !
Effect of the Antidote potion :
Helps cure many types of poisonings.
→ Recipe Alchemy Bowman’s Brew :
A potion to stabilize his arm for the archery. Take this drink and your arrows will find their target of themselves.
Required ingredients :
- Spiritus (spirits)
- 2 Eyebright
- 1 St John’s Wort
You will need spirits, two handfuls of eyebright and one of St John’s wort. First, add the eyebright to your cauldron and boil it for three turns. Then let the cauldron cool down and grind the St John’s wort. Finally, add St John’s Wort to the cauldron, but do not boil.
Effect of the potion :
Improves Henry’s archery of five points for ten minutes.
→ Recipe of the bard’s potion :
A potion that will make you a good bard ! It unlocks the jaws and breaks down inhilbitions. However, the subject who drinks this potion will have stomach cramps and a general weakness.
Required ingredients :
- Oleum (oil)
- 1 Charcoal
- 1 Nettle
- 1 St John’s Wort
- 1 Belladonna
You must have a handful of belladonna, a handful of St. John’s wort, a handful of nettles and one of charcoal. Start by grinding the St. John’s wort and then grind the nettles. Throw all herbs in the pot and simmer for two turns. Finally, don’t forget to add the charcoal so that the potion doesn’t become poisonous !
Effect of the potion :
Enables Henry’s speech / dialogue statistic to be increased by five points for ten minutes.
→ Recipe of the Bivoj’s Rage :
A potion that arouses in men a bloody frenzy increasing strength and effectiveness during the battle. If this potion is used by a madman in the chaos of a battle, this potion could quickly become very dangerous.
Required ingredients :
- Vinum (wine)
- 1 Cave mushroom
- 1 Wormwood
- 2 Sage
For the Bivoj’s Rage potion, get wine, two handfuls sage, one handful of wormwood and a cave mushroom. Start by grinding the wormwood, then add the sage to your cauldron and boil for two turns. Then leave to cool and add the wormwood without boil. To increase the potency of the potion, add the cave mushroom and finally distil it all.
Effect of the potion :
Potion that increases strength and provokes frenzy. The damage you inflict will be increased by 50%.
→ Recipe of the digestive potion :
If you have stomach problems, you need a digestive Potion. If you’ve eaten too much, drink too much and things go wrong for you, then drink a digestive potion and remember that it’s best to eat modestly !
Required ingredients :
- Spiritus (spirits)
- 2 Chamomile
- 1 Mint
Get spirits, a handful of mint and two handfuls of chamomile. Start by grinding the chamomile and put all the ingredients into the cauldron. Next, simmer for one turn and your digestive potion is ready for drink !
Effect of the potion :
Reduce consumption by 20 % and cure food poisoning.
→ Recipe of the Cockerel potion :
Are your eyelids heavy ? Is your body showing signs of weakness ? Drink a Cockerel potion to restore your energy.
Required ingredients :
- Spiritus (spirits)
- 1 Valerian
- 2 Mint
You need spirits, a handful of valerian and two handfuls of mint. Begin by grinding the mint and then boil it for one turn. Then add the valerian and boil for two more turns. All you have to do is distil and drink your energy potion.
Effect of the potion :
Increases energy by 20% and dissipates fatigue allowing you to stay awake longer.
→ Saviour’s Schnapps recipe potion :
A potion that will save the game and soul of the one who drinks it, the potion will certainly end up making it succumb, but it will eventually return to life.
Required ingredients :
- Vinum (wine)
- 1 Nettle
- 2 Belladonna
Start by preparing your wine, the two handfuls of belladonna and one of nettle. Boil the nettles for two turns and grind the belladonna. Then add the belladonna and boil another turn.
Effect of the potion :
The Saviour’s Schnapps recipe saves your game in Kingdom Come Deliverance.
→ Recipe of the Marigold decoction :
A potion that restores health to someone who has been wounded in battle. It heals wounds and helps the body recover. Besides, it’s a very good cure for hangover !
Required ingredients :
- Aqua (water)
- 1 Nettle
- 2 Marigold
Gather water, a handful of nettles and two of marigold. Put the nettle in the water and cook for one turn. Leave to cool and put down your marigold flowers, but don’t boil them anymore. Your Decoction of marigold is ready !
Effect of the potion :
A potion that heals wounds and recovers in minutes. It can also be used to cure a hangover.
→ Lazarus potion recipe :
A powerful potion that would raise even the dead from the gravel ! It restores strength to those who have been wounded in combat, even to broken bones !
Required ingredients :
- Aqua (water)
- 1 Valerian
- 2 Comfrey
Prepare your water, your two comfrey handfuls and your valerian handfuls. Boil the valerian during one turn and then grind the comfrey. Then add the comfrey to the valerian and boil for one turn. Distil it all and your Lazarus potion is ready to drink !
Effect of the potion :
Allows you to recover all your health and even heal a hangover.
→ Recipe of Spirits Potion :
A rather uncommon but extremely powerful potion. It has the power to ward off disease and warm up on cold nights. However, beware of intoxications that will make tomorrow more painful like alcohol.
Required ingredients :
- Spiritus (spirits)
- 1 Mint
- 1 St John’s Wort
- 1 Sage
Get spirits, a handful of St. John’s Wort, a handful of sage and a handful of mint. Start by putting the St. John’s wort in the cauldron and let it boil for one turn. Grind the sage and then grind the mint… Then add the sage and mint and boil it all during one more turn. Distil and you will get a potion of spirits.
Effect of the potion :
An alcoholic drink even more powerful than wine that will give you a good hangover the next morning.
→ Recipe of Aesop Potion :
A secret potion used primarily to handling animals. The smell calms horses and other animals. Better yet, a little of this potion and the dogs forget to bark !
Required ingredients :
- Spiritus (spirits)
- 1 Wild boar’s tusk
- 1 Wormwood
- 1 Belladonna
- 1 Comfrey
Gather all the ingredients, spirits, a handful of wormwood, a belladonna, a comfrey and the tusk of a wild boar. Put the wormwood and the tusk boar first in the cauldron. Then boil for two rounds. Then leave the cauldron to cool and grind the comfrey. Now add belladonna and comfrey in the cauldron, but be careful not to boil. Distil and you will get the Aesop Potion.
Effect of the potion :
Increase Henry’s horsemanship by 5 points and prevent dogs from barking for 10 minutes.
→ Recipe of the elixir Embrocation :
A miraculous potion relieving pain and restoring the suppleness of youth to an infirm body of any age !
Required ingredients :
- Oleum (oil)
- 1 Wild boar’s tusk
- 1 Eyebright
- 1 Poppy
- 1 Valerian
Prepare your oil, a handful of eyebright, a handful of poppy, a valerian and the tusk of a wild boar. Place the poppy and valerian in the cauldron and simmer for two turns. Then grind the eyebright and add it to the cauldron and simmer an additional turn without boiling. Finally add the wild boar’s tusk and you will get the elixir Embrocation.
Effect of the potion :
Increases Henry’s Agility and Defense by five points for ten minutes.
→ Recipe of Alchemy Nighthawk :
A night potion that allows you to move in the darkness like a cat or a bird. Use this potion at night and you see how the night becomes clearer and more like dusk.
Required ingredients :
- Aqua (water)
- 1 Cave mushroom
- 2 Eyebright
- 1 Belladonna
Gather water, two handfuls of eyebright, one of belladonna and a cave mushroom. Then grind the eyebright and put it in the cauldron with the belladonna. Now simmer for three turns and add the cave mushroom to the blend. Distil it all and you will get the Nighthawk potion.
Effect of the potion :
It allows Henry to see better in the dark for ten minutes.
→ Lullaby Alchemy Potion Recipe :
A potion that could put a herd to sleep and help them find peace ! If you have someone to make them sleep, make them drink this potion and they will have nice dreams…
Required ingredients :
- Oleum (oil)
- 1 Poppy
- 1 Herb Paris
- 1 Thistle
Prepare your oil, a handful of poppy, a thistle and one of Herb Paris. Put the poppy in the cauldron and boil it during one turn. Then add the thistle and boil one more turn. Then, leave to cool and add the Herb Paris to obtain a lullaby potion.
Effect of the potion :
Helps those who drink the beverage to fall asleep by lowering their energy to zero.
→ Buck’s Blood potion recipe :
Whoever is short of breath or is afflicted by the weight down by heavy armour will be drink this for less tired.
Required ingredients :
- Oleum (oil)
- 1 St John’s Wort
- 1 Dandelion
- 1 Comfrey
Take oil, a handful of St. John’s wort, a handful of comfrey and a dandelion and start by grinding the St. John’s wort. Then put the St. John’s wort and comfrey in the cauldron and boil for one turn. Leave to cool and add the dandelions to the cauldron without boiling ! You will get your Buck’s Blood potion.
Effect of the potion :
A potion that improves henry stamina / endurance by 50% for 10 minutes.
→ Aqua Vitalis potion alchemy recipe :
He whose heart is heavy and feeling weakened must drink this potion so that his whole body is invigorated. Nothing better to stimulate the organism !
Required ingredients :
- Aqua (water)
- 2 Dandelion
- 1 Marigold
Get water, a handful of marigold and two dandelions. Start by grinding the marigold and boil the dandelion for one turn. Then add the marigold and boil for one more turn. Distil it all and you will have an Aqua Vitalis potion.
Effect of the potion :
Strengthens vitality and temporarily heals wounds.