After years of waiting, Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally here. If you have just purchased the game or intend to purchase it in the coming days / weeks, you may want to know in advance how long the game will last. How many hours to see the end of the story ? How many hours of play for the 100% and how many chapters are there ?
We will provide you with several of these answers through these lines. But in any case, be assured that Red Dead Redemption 2 will keep you on your mind for many hours and make you experience an incredible adventure alongside Van Der Linde’s gang.
How many chapters are there in Red Dead Redemption 2 :
Be aware that the main adventure of Red Dead Redemption 2 has a total of 6 main chapters, all of which are of more or less variable duration. The first chapter will be fairly quick to complete, but the following ones will be longer and more complex. In addition to the 6 main chapters, Red Dead Redemption 2 is composed of 2 additional epilogues that are like two additional chapters of the game, namely that it will take you several hours of play to see the end of the two epilogues.
How many hours of play to finish it in a straight line :
If you focus only on the missions in the story by taking into account the game’s internal clock that will slow you down in any case as you progress between each mission, count approximately between 35 and 45 hours to see the final. And be careful, we are talking about doing the game in a straight line, because if you aim for 100% with all the related content, the compendium data in addition to the medal targets to get all the gold medals, you can count at least 130 hours of play !